What Is IV Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation Dentistry Sterling, VA

Sleep dentistry is used to keep patients calm during dental procedures and appointments. For more in-depth procedures, IV sedation is used. IV sedation is the practice of administering medication to the patient intravenously. In a dentistry setting, the fluids are either anti-anxiety medications or general anesthetics, both of which require the expertise of a dentist who has trained in sleep dentistry. Read on to learn more about IV sedation and what it involves. 

A guide to IV sedation in sleep dentistry

Below is a quick overview of IV sedation dentistry, which is also referred to as sleep dentistry. This information may be useful to individuals who are preparing for an upcoming visit to the dentist's office.

What is IV sedation?

IV sedation in sleep dentistry refers to the administration of medications intravenously, which means into the veins. At the start of the procedure, the dentist will insert the needle into the patient's veins. Throughout the course of the procedure, medications are transfused into the patient's veins, which spreads into the body. These medications are used to keep the patient calm, relaxed, and still so that the necessary work can be performed. 

Sleep dentistry defined

Sleep dentistry refers to the practice of administering any kind of sedative in a dental setting. While IV sedation is typically considered a more moderate to severe type of sedation, there are other more mild options for less involved procedures. For example, individuals undergoing a dental crown or filling placement will likely be given nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas promotes relaxation; however, it does not induce sleep or cause lingering effects. Another popular sleep dentistry method is oral medications, which are pill or liquid form medications used to ease dental anxiety. 


When it comes to IV sedation in sleep dentistry, there are two options. Outlined below are short explanations of both. 

  • Anti-anxiety IV sedation: Sleep dentistry refers to all types of sedation methods; however, they do not all induce sleep. The most common way to undergo IV sedation in dentistry is via anti-anxiety medications. These medications can significantly reduce those feelings of fear or nervousness that come with dental appointments. The IV will feed medications to the patient before and throughout the entire appointment. 
  • General anesthesia via IV sedation: General anesthesia is used primarily for in-depth procedures, such as wisdom tooth extraction or oral surgeries like implant placement. This method of sleep dentistry does actually induce sleep, which means the patient is unconscious during the procedure. 

Find out more about sleep dentistry

Sleep dentistry can be quite helpful to individuals who feel anxious, nervous, or afraid of visiting the dentist's office. To find out more about the practice, it is best to consult with the dentist directly. An evaluation can be done to determine the most appropriate sedation route. Additionally, patients can ask questions and go over concerns they have. Reach out today to get started. 

Request an appointment here: https://www.titandentalcare.com or call Titan Dental Care at (703) 745-3227 for an appointment in our Sterling office. 

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Sedation Dentist in Sterling, VA.

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