4 Common Causes of Jaw Pain

Jaw pain can be irritating and a lot of people aren’t sure what the reasoning behind it may be. While there are many causes of jaw pain, knowing what the most common causes are can be extremely helpful for anyone experiencing pain or discomfort in the jaw.

When a person is feeling jaw pain that is ongoing or constant, it is important that that person visits with their dentist so that they can help determine what the cause might be as well as figure out ways to treat the pain.

Read more in this article as we discuss what the causes of jaw pain might be. There are different causes depending on a person’s genetic history, oral conditions and any injuries that have incurred over time.

Main causes of jaw pain


A lot of people that experience headaches whatever type they are, also experience jaw pain when their headaches come on. Because the jaw and head work hand in hand, the jaw often feels the same pains that the head does. Chances are if a person experiences regular headaches such as cluster or sinus headaches, the jaw will likely be impacted as well.


While injuries to the head, face or jaw are an obvious cause of jaw pain, people may not realize that over time, even after one heals from their injury, it is still possible that they will feel and experience pain in their jaw. When a person is injured, the healing process might not go exactly as planned, thus meaning that the injured part may not heal properly which could lead to pain later down the line.

Jaw pain is often caused by injuries that never healed properly. It is important that a person talks with their dental professional or doctor about their past injuries so that they know the entire medical history.

Dental or oral pain

Often, when people have toothaches, infections or diseases, they experience pain in their jaw at the same time. This is because the jaw works directly with the teeth and gums in order for the mouth to function properly. Talking with a dental professional regarding pain in the teeth coinciding with jaw pain can be beneficial to a person who is having jaw pain.

Visiting with both a dental specialist and a doctor can be beneficial in treating jaw pain because both will work together to determine the best method of treatment.

Jaw pain is something that nobody wants to feel or experience, knowing what might be causing this pain can be beneficial in figuring out how to treat the pain. Toothaches and headaches often contribute to jaw pain, so being aware of these can help the dentist or doctor determine why the pain may be occurring.

If you have further questions about jaw pain and where it might be coming from then reach out to us today. We are happy to help in any way that we can! Give us a call or stop in today.

Request an appointment here: https://www.titandentalcare.com or call Titan Dental Care at (703) 745-3227 for an appointment in our Sterling office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

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